W książce Bohdana Chudoby Of time, light and hell: Essays in interpretation of the Christian message (1974) znajdujemy krótki, ale wyjątkowo wymowny fragment poświęcony ks. Augustynowi Jakubisiakowi i jego myśli. Przeczytajmy:
Jakubisiak, the author of three learned and penetrating books on the subject of creative freedom, was one of the most lucid and also most truly Christian thinkers of our century. His struggle against the pseudo-myths was only equalled by his defense of the Christian tradition against the spread of the Aristotelian, Thomistic and Cartesian obscurantism. In his faithfulness to the Christian message he evidently incurred the wrath of the servants of the false myths as well as of those Christians who are ready to bend over backward in catering to these servants. As result, his very name has been omitted form even most comprehensive encyclopedias as well as from textbooks of the history of philosophy (s. 113).
W książce – której autor potwierdza zasadność badania myśli polskiego kapłana i filozofa – znajdują się szersze odwołania do Jakubisiaka, z którymi można się zapoznać.